Systemspace Network List Network Enhancement Idea 11 Yori 25 August 2021 # RESPONSE TO INPUT ON SPECIFICATION FOR ETF ## Context Quintuplicate in NEI 10 (INPUT ON THE SPECIFICATION FOR THE ETF) has commented on the ETF. => NEI 10 ## Response There is a reason for trying to strip out ```\r\n```: it's not a useful distinction in most systems and tends to create issues. While I do write applications that tolerate ```\r\n```, it causes headaches with lower level code and is responsible for real world bugs and vulnerabilities. For example, a badly written program may split just by ```\n``` and generate sub strings with loose ```\r```. When the program tries to compare this substring to a value, you will get a bug. ``` char* a = "a bad substring\r";// pretend the string 'a' is created by a badly written line spliter or whatever if(strcmp("a bad substring", a) == 0) return 1; return 0; ``` This code will return a 0 not a 1. Not to mention, basically everyone except Windows uses '\n' instead of '\r\n' and I honestly don't want to include Microsoft-isms and most other platforms have moved on.